社会環境研究所 Social Environment Institute

Since 2024/06/27
Aiming to build a society where people help each other and develop
Update 2024/10/10
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New publication● Building Cleaning Dictionary by Tanaka Teiji
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The "Building Cleaning Dictionary" is a labor of love written by Tanaka Teiji, who passed away in 1990, and serialized in the monthly magazine "Building Cleaning" (published by Clean System Science Institute, Inc.). Although it was written over 30 years ago, an expert on building cleaning said that "despite the passage of time, the contents are still usable as they are and have not faded," so we have included it here with the permission of his family. Tanaka Teiji was a pioneer in Japan's building maintenance industry and was known in the industry as a theorist of building cleaning. With the belief that "cleaning should be a science," he trained the next generation and made a great contribution to raising the level of building maintenance work. We would be delighted if this dictionary could be of some help to those who work on a daily basis in learning the principles and basics of cleaning. (Okada)



●Next publication planned: "Squishy Story" (reprint edition)
Currently being edited. Please wait a moment.

New and upcoming publications


The next new publication is a PDF version. It can be viewed for free from our website. Click here and enter the following password. Anyone can view it, but only for viewing. This book is subject to copyright and publishing rights. Please be sure to comply with the copyright (Okada Tamaki) and publishing rights (Chigensya). If you need to print it, please purchase a POD book, which requires a fee. Please note that this book is written in Japanese and there is no English translation.

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  社会環境研究所 〒103-0026 東京都中央区日本橋兜町17-2 兜町第6葉山ビル4階
  Social Environment Institute 17-2 Kabutocho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku,
 Tokyo 103-0026 Kabutocho 6th Hayama Building 4th floor
 Contact us:tamaki195532◇gmail.com (◇=@)